Image 1 of Entangled Web Image 2 of Entangled Web Image 3 of Entangled Web Image 4 of Entangled Web Image 5 of Entangled Web

Entangled Web


Hand-printed on handmade cotton rag paper, made from recycled t-shirts by another maker. Prints are approx. 8.5" x 11"
Each print is not like the other. I arranged each tiny labyrinth in different ways to create a circular design. At this time I'm only making 2 prints of each ink color available.
This print design is the expanded envisions of the tiny print entanglement. This print is called, Entangled Web. Connecting each individual labyrinth unites each entanglement into a great web, much like the one we are connected to.
The original envision for this print was with gold ink, but as the idea sat in my mind, I remembered how much I loved the electric purple ink on this black handmade, cotton rag paper.
The single labyrinth design used here, to me, symbolizes our subjective paths through life. Sometimes the path we take is narrow, sometimes wide, sometimes paths end, and occasionally they go in circles.

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